The aftermath! We begin with a monologue from an evangelical preacher about how this is not the end!
It certainly looks like the end, it looks like a post apocalyptic nightmare. Vampires, Hems and weird little Victorian girls add up to one spooky comic. Abe Sapien is in a medical bay in a critical condition and Liz finds a novel way to ensure he is treated to the best of abilities. After leaving Abe in the safe hands of the doctors Liz finds herself desperately needed in Tennessee as a team of operatives find themselves decimated by a vampire attack but with an added extra that even surprises the vampires!
The creepy Victorian girl is amassing quite the following as they head to Manhattan I do t know why so many are following her as she is clearly something freaky and very likely evil but following her, they are, possibly even to their deaths. Not yet dead are the few survivors from Tennessee and as they rejoin HQ Liz rushes off to see Abe and gets quite the surprise when she arrives at his room.