His one man war on crime comes to Mego. 

Like Wolverine, when the Punisher’s popularity really hit, Mego no longer existed as a company. So we never got a chance to get a figure based on him. That is, until now

Like all the sets from Diamond Select, it comes with one figure, three outfits, three heads, multiple hands, and various other accessories. The outfits are what an original Mego would have looked like, one that’s updated with today’s material, and a secret identity.

Like with all the repro set, the way it’s boxed is just perfect. I almost down want to open it. Almost.

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First up is the first appearance Punisher. It comes in a repro packaging that looks amazing again. I’m really loving this look. The most amazing thing about him is the head sculpt looks just like Ross Andru’s artwork from his first appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man #129. Extremely impressive. The bodysuit is mainly a typical Mego suit with white cuffs and of course the iconic skull logo.  White boots and the belt complement this figure. He also comes with a rifle. With the old style Mego hands I did find it a little difficult for the Punisher to hold it, but I was eventually able to get it in there. Personally, I would have given him a repro of the M-16 from the old Planet of the Apes line, but still not a deal breaker.

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The modern costume is very much a modern costume. It consists of black pants, black boots, black trench coat, and a flak jacket with the iconic skull on it. All together it looks great. The head sculpt is very much more modern plus the nice extra touch of a band-aid over his nose. This version comes with 2 sets of hands: closed fists and open “gun” hands. I love the open hands because this version has somewhat of an arsenal. 2 hand guns, an automatic rifle, and a knife. With the open hands, he can hold all the weapons with ease. All in black. He looks totally bad-ass.

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Finally, there’s the civilian outfit. It consists of jeans, work boots, black turtle neck, and an army jacket. The face sculpt is very similar to the modern version which looks great. And he has 2 closed fists for hands. It’s a very simple look but it works for the Punisher. 

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As always the EMCE body is just amazing. Nice and tight joints. The heads and hands are easy to switch around. And the huge points of articulation are just impressive as always. 

This time around there was no booklet included with the set. I have to say I was a little shocked and disappointed with this. I really liked these and it would have made a great addition. 

Again, another amazing set from Diamond Select and EMCE. Seriously great addition to your collection whether you are a Mego fan, Punisher fan, or Marvel fan. 

Marvel Retro Cloth Punisher Action Figure Gift Set is available now at your local comic shop or online at Diamond Select.

By Brian Isaacs - Executive Editor / Publisher

An avid comic collector/reader for over 50 years and self-proclaimed professor of comicology, Brian originally started up the site Pendragon's Post to share his voice. Well, that voice has been shared and evolved into The Fanboy Factor. Brian is an advocate for remembering comic roots, and that we don't forget what was created in the past, and encourage everyone to read it as well. When not swimming in geek culture, he can be seen corrupting..introducing his young son to comics, much to his wife's chagrin.