What in the world!!  What an ending, trust no-one, switching it up and turning it around for days.

The absolutely sociopathic Dr. Koenig has escaped to a sanctuary that no-one will ever manage to breach! Except for Cain that is, Cain has planned the whole thing and is coming up roses, no-one could out think Cain! except for Abel that is!

A true roller-coaster issue as the two ex-comrades face off in an epic gun/grenade/fist/knife fight as Abel and Kira try to take down Cain before he can disappear and be like he never existed. Although it kind of feels like the end of Savage Things it doesn’t feel like the end of the story more like the beginning of the next chapter! I hope that there are more comics to come as what a brilliant read this has been with shocks right up to the last few panels.

The setting for the finale is a classic spy showdown setting,  the secluded house in the remote snowy wilderness it screams epic face off and Cain and Abel certainly do not disappoint and although they are pretty much trained to be emotionless killers you can kind of see the closeness that they once had coming into play, even as they try to kill each other in as many ways as possible. classic bromocide