A dystopian future where the one percent are complete and utter rulers and can tap into ‘The Stream ‘

Seneca is a cop and has a homicide to solve, well 3 to be correct and it all looks connected to the Church of the Trinity, a shadowy religion that Seneca was involved with in the past. The thing is, Gods are amongst us and Hermes is Senecas Boss and is readying him to step up and be in a position to enter and control the time Stream by himself.

The Stream is an actual place that only certain people can access and view the worlds connectivity. It looks like Hermes is planning to have Seneca become his protégé but Seneca is hesitant especially after his conscience is against it. He can actually hear his conscience or at least believes he can and its pretty cool that we see his conversation with himself and its a nice touch to keep his character unique.

Pretty strong first issue and sets up the story for whats going to happen next where it will all kick off