Prometheus is still playing god but isn’t getting the energy he needs to survive, what will he do?

Zeus and the other Gods are on their way to take on Hades in all-out war, it should make good viewing which gives Prometheus more of the power he needs to stop his disintegration. Luckily for Zeus, he has more help than he realizes. Carver has reached Prometheus city and is determined to find and save the Gods and against all odds, he may just pull it off, or else make it far far worse.

I love the idea of this comic, I love the imagery of having to plug into the ‘Soap Opera’ and it basically siphoning off energy from you as you watch,I know for a fact that I would most likely be plugged in if it were around here we have all had the feeling of getting engrossed in a programme only to realise its now 3 am and the season is finished!  The only difference is that if the season finishes then so do the gods unless Carver has his say in the matter.