It didn’t take long for Harley to set herself up in NYC a new business alongside a new infomercial and an extra special new phone number.
If she has gone to New York to get some peace its about to be well and truly shattered as The Penguin is moving into a new turf and its an extremely hostile take over. On the face of it, Harley seems to be flourishing in spite of her dubious phone number but is she has happy as she seems or is she missing her coney island crew!
I love this issue, the violence has been upped and looks fantastic and it acknowledges that Killer Croc and Harley know each other instead of pretending the Suicide squad doesn’t exist. The other reason this is a brilliant issue is that it looks like we are away to be treated to a whos who of bad guys that could try and take on Harley while she’s away from her crew, how will she cope on her own and will she have some help from the shadows watching her back.