Goodness, it’s February, the month of romance! How about DC’s Young Monsters in Love issue one? Surely a heart-thumper of a deal for your $10. Or not?

Monsters have feelings too, and this comic is sure to show and tell us about it! From the cover portrayal of Swamp Thing kissing Bride Of Frankenstein(‘s monster), we know it’s time for baring of the fangs and plucking of the heart-strings.

At total of 10 (count ‘em!) tales of monster-longings here. And some of them are above average, so let’s focus on the positive, shall we?

I loved “The Dead Can Dance”, with Raven, written by Collin Kelly and Jackson Lanzing, and illustrated by Javier Fernandez (colors by Trish Mulvihill). This 8-page ghost story manages to generate emotion, creepiness and strong characters, in a fantastic brewing of mood.

Likewise with Deadman in “Be My Valentine”, an 8-page story about young school children and bullies. Written by Paul Dini, art by Guillem March, colors by Dave McCaig.

Swamp Thing’s appearance is appropriately shady and filled with over-hanging dread, as a chance for romance brings Swampy out of his ambling mode. “Heart-Shaped Box” is well-written by Mark Russell, art by Frazer Irving.

The other tales range from “not too shabby” to “huh, what is going on here”, but the top three will especially make your heart grow fond of this oversized issue.

DC Young Monsters In Love #1, $9.99 for 80 pages of content. Teen +

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!

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