Another awesome issue in the frankly superb run of Batman.
I love how in King’s run of Batman an issue doesn’t need to be jam-packed full of action to be brilliant. In this issue, we are treated to a rundown of Batman and Catwoman’s relationship throughout the ages as they face off against each other or go out of their way to help the other one out. It’s been complicated!
To break up the various eras of comic book lore Catwoman goes Wedding dress shopping as only Catwoman would, it is perfectly portrayed and exactly how you would expect Catwoman to go about her wedding. I seriously can’t wait to see how this all comes together I can’t help but think it is going to be seriously epic!
I am really enjoying the relative normality of the Bat/Cat relationship and how no matter how unlikely the match maybe it looks like its going to be one for the ages! I have been on tenterhooks as it continuously appears to be close to breaking but they always pull through and hopefully always will!