Quantum and Woody issue 7, from Valiant, continues the story of the two adopted brothers, Eric (Quantum) and Woody Henderson.
Each brother has been given powers, gained during an explosion that occurred during their investigation into their father’s murder. Their molecular structure has been destabilized as a result, and they have been told that they need to “KLANG” their control bands together every 24 hours, or risk complete disintegration! However, it seems that this was not true!!! Who knew?
As Issue 7 gets underway, we spend time with Woody, who is having an identity crisis. Depressed, drinking and visiting his psychiatrist. Not so fun!
And it seems that the life of Quantum is not so wonderful either. Millie, the woman he loves, wants to leave him!
It’s a fascinating take on superheroes and the supposed wonderfulness of that life. Turns out it’s not all wine and roses. And the brother thing, more of a pain than a gain. Writer Eliot Rahal, with artist Francis Portela and colorist Andrew Dalhousie, have fun poking away at stereotypes in this Valiant title.
It’s witty, well drawn and coloured, and definitely a comic series with a sense of momentum; there is something going on here, and we are being treated to a unique tale in the making. Who knows if and how the brothers will solve their differences in upcoming issues?
Nice front cover art by Ariel Olivetti, Geoff Shaw, and Viktor Kalvachev!
Valiant, Quantum and Woody #7, $3.99 for 24 pages of content. Teen +