BOOM! Studios Comics continues with its very own superheroes with dinosaur spandex in Go Go Power Rangers on its 11th issue.

It’s been a while since I reviewed one of the past issues, but there are a few turns of events after the Rangers battled some muddy doppelganger or something. I mean isn’t there’s something that would probably try to relate any of this to the Power Rangers comic? Like bringing the white ranger, Tommy to this world? Well anyway, none of this all happen because this comic series is the alternative to the regular show, and I guess it’s probably different because now the Rangers are facing their new enemies.

After the battle with the doppelganger, the last time I saw is that Matt is still traumatized by the wrath of Rita Ripulsa and the horrifying journey from outer space. Well nobody knows how did he survive without a spaceship to get back to earth. Well anyways things are different, but from what you see on the cover of this issue, is there are two Kimberlys from different time or dimension in their power ranger form. But what the fuck is going on this time? The future Kimberly is seeking vengeance to kill some warlord who killed her friends and now she’s acting like she’s seeing a ghost to see that her friends are still alive in the past. And then the Kimberlies are hanging out each other. I’m sorry, I don’t even know this part anymore, but the question is what in the hell is future Kimberly is doing in the past?

The most confusing of this is that how did future Kimberly cross through time? Dude, does this has to do with the Power Rangers comic? Nonetheless, this is the alternative Power Rangers comic, just like I said before. With all the flashbacks of our heroes and villains, going on with their lives, building up with friendships, trust, world domination, and conquest and shit. Either way, in this comic, it didn’t show any Rita’s monsters since the future rangers arrived. That being said, the future is all messed up, so she traveled back through time just to find the source, she isn’t going to get any revenge of some murderer. Well anyway, she is obsessed with getting her revenge for killing her friends in the future, but this story gets more complicated even more. But I do wonder what will she do next?

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.