I just can’t help but like Eel more and more with every issue.
He’s trying to be the good guy he really is, its a tough fight but I think he’s winning. His relationship with Pado is brilliant, really heartwarming as he tries to teach him both to be good but also street smarts as well. I mean ok he doesn’t have a clue about kids but he means well and is trying his best and shows he can still kick serious butt if his friends are in danger.
The artwork suits the story perfectly, really bright and colourful it gives it a real air of fun which plastic man totally is. Even the fight scenes are rammed with humour as he quips his way around the bad guys in his best heroic fashion. I really want to find out more about the cabal and surely Eel doesn’t leave it too late to help stop them, but then he may be too busy with what Sammy has in store for him!