Being a Burnout is taking its toll on Andy this issue as the hangover kicks in bigtime.

Andy is starting to have big doubts about everything right now and who can blame him, Aliens taking over everyone he knows and only visible if you are high! That’s enough to make anyone question their sanity. He hasn’t been a Burnout for that long so when he comes down he comes down hard and a night in the cells with the chance of a friend being possessed doubles the hangover.

I love this story, Andys dilemma of staying sober and pretending everything is fine or getting a bad reputation but saving the world is gripping stuff especially when you add bombshells like the finale of this issue! this could change everything for the Burnouts. Can Andy cope with being high all day and how will he balance his schooling and friendship with Seth and his fighting Aliens and being a burnout? And what the hell is he going to do about his possessed parents??

There is so much going on in this comic you just can’t tell where the next danger is going to spring from, the Aliens are everywhere and could be anyone and with Andy still processing the whole idea are the Burnouts going to be able to stop the threat? I can’t wait to find out