DC Universe brings you the second issue of the mixed up Justice League and Static Shock in Electric Warriors.

So the first issue was very surprising that DC Comics makes another series about a league of heroes, but it took place in the future. I’m very surprised if all the other fans read this comic, probably someday DC Comics should announce this comic series to turn into a Netflix adaptation or make a live action movie out of it. Then again, this took place in the future, so should I play Overwatch right now or will this comic gets even better?
Last time, there’s the Cosmic Dark Age, and then there are the Electric Warriors, but as for the half-balded twin brothers, they seemed to be going with some complicated situations that Oscar is going to be a superhero just to save everyone in town, while Ian is concerned about him for what his fate will come to him because being a superhero is risky. That kind of reminds me of watching Kick-Ass 1 and 2 because somehow every teenager’s dream and courage is to fight the bad guys and defend the innocent. So back to this issue, at the front cover, you’ll meet the earth’s champion named Deep Dweller, which is much more like an octopus combined itself with a jellyfish. Oh, and Aquaman is coming so get your tickets now and see the theaters on December 21 and make your Christmas something to remember. So the thing is that Oscar and Deep are entering an area just to see who’s the strongest Electric Warriors which is the WarGround. But somehow that wasn’t Oscar who entered the arena, it was Ian taking his place. This is the second time that I’m witnessing thetwist of the story. And again, Ian and Oscar are twins and theylooked the same, but not that much. But the question is what is Ianup to and what does he hope to accomplish?
This second issue is making you watch the whole UFC fight all night long or watching every episode of the world martial arts tournament and the universe survival saga from Dragon Ball, even on this comic the heroes are fighting with electric power throughout every match. So let’s refresh, the first issue, they mistaken for being Oscar Navarro and punched him for some reason, then there’s Oscar who’s willing to fight for the sake of the future, then Ian stopped him and became Oscar in an attempt of not going out there to fight, but now he fights in his place. I guess Thanos should have checked on that one. The characters of the comic are focused on drawing more aliens than humans, well for Ian, he is much likely to have superhuman powers, but he fights with some ferocious aliens that he ever faced. And Deep Dweller’s story is much more different than the aliens of the comic and it’s a mystery to know who he is. If you rather want to read more of the ferocious action superhero comic of a mixed up Justice League and Static Shock, then this is for you.