Who in their right mind would fight 3 Beast men who can transform into Bears? Kratos thats who!

Well it’s not like he had a choice but it leads to an absolutely epic fight as he annihilates them while barely even breaking a sweat! This is obviously set in a time before the game of the same name as Atreus still seems unaware of his stature and abilities while Kratos is still trying to suppress the anger that washes over him. Just think, he was calm when he took out the bears imagine if he had the Spartan rage flowing through him!
The visit to the Seer looks to be the catalyst that will form the rest of the story sending Kratos and Atreus on a journey to far off lands full of monsters and bad guys that i for one cant wait to read! Will they go straight into the heart of the bears camp or will they get ambushed on the way and have to fight their way free.
There are so many elements of the game to draw from and with 9 realms in Norse