Another insane issue as Harley sticks up for the right of women to sell pets!

As is often the case with Harley this is clearly echoing another equally ridiculous opinion happening in real life right now. It’s nice to see the subject being highlighted in an actual story and of course, if anyone was going to stand against it it was going to be Harley! I love how she dives head first into the situation without batting an eyelid and I love the shop names, Men O Paws being a personal fav.

Unfortunately, the absolute ridiculousness of the cat sellers arguments would be funny if they weren’t scarily accurate to what is actually being said about women in comics but hopefully seeing their opinions laid out in this way makes some people think twice about how they act. Its a brilliant issue even without the hidden depths littered with classic Harley humour and zaniness I mean where else would a cat burglar use actual cats to burgle? An excellent way to highlight an ongoing issue while keeping it pretty lighthearted considering the seriousness of the issue!!