There’s something comforting about reading a comic about summer camp in the middle of January. Maybe you will feel the same way about Lumberjanes issue 58, from BOOM! Box.
It’s summer camp, perhaps the Endless Summer that the Beach Boys sing about. But this comic is clearly for younger readers and skews female. Shannon Watters and Kat Leyh write about a surprise birthday party, with the story illustrated by AnneMarie Rogers.
It’s a fun tale, with some of the girls setting up an impromptu stage play, and others scouting merrily down a nearby stream. They put ashore, but their merrily merrily dream is girl, interrupted by the realization that they have let their zodiac boat drift away. Fit to be tied! Meanwhile, the birthday surprise is just one of the startling events to occur.
It’s fun, it’s illustrated with a whimsical casualness. The figures are cartoony, the faces a bit hard to distinguish. But for regular readers especially, there is no mistaking the independent spirit of these girls, they are individuals, and having the time of their lives. Endlessly fulfilling.
BOOM Box, Lumberjanes #58, $3.99 for 24 pages of content, not rated