The Batman/Flash crossover continues as our heroes take on a deranged Gotham Girl as she carries on her rampage.
The situation at the Sanctuary spills over from the brilliant Heroes In Crisis to here causing more than a little friction between Batman and the Flash as they take on a small army of superhero copycats before chasing down Gotham Girl. A couple of Surprise appearances make life a little more difficult for our heroic duo as Batman struggles to keep up with The Flash but ends up, as usual, arriving just on time to make the perfect entrance. Its Gotham Girl however that makes the biggest impression on this issue with a brilliant last-minute curveball that could be either catastrophic for her or for Batman and the Flash
Batman and the Flash have their work cut out for them in the next part of the story as Gotham Girl i think is more powerful than anyone realised and they are going to have to pull out all of the stops to put an end to her antics but can they save her too?