I don’t know how Batman feels but I’m seriously starting to doubt what’s really happening and what isn’t.

Thomas Wayne being not only alive but also being Batman is the main one that throws me, is he just a figment of Bruce’s subconsciousness or is he really flesh and blood and if he is, what side is he on. One of my favourite images yet is them on the horse dragging a coffin through the desert at night. Who is in the coffin? That would be telling.

I am loving this journey Batman is on as he tries to stay sane as his world spirals away from him, I can’t help but think that Thomas is like a spirit guide as he battles his own mind for dominance. But then why can he speak with Bane?? It’s so frustratingly fantastic. I can not wait to see how Ra’s al Ghul will play into this and for the moment everything snaps into place and we see what its all been leading up to!!!