Every single issue of this incredibly tops the last and this one is no different.

Most of the issue is taken up by saving Bartlett and the obviously painful and dangerous way in which to do it but it ks Perry that absolutely steals the show from out of nowhere! It’s been hinted that she has some of her power back but WOW I would NOT like to be the one in the cage right now!

I love Carrona, he just oozes danger and evilness but is so charismatic and suave that even as he threatens JV you can just tell he does it with a hint of a laugh like he finds him cheeky and amusing but can and will still snap him in two if he keeps it up.

Even in the city of the dead, the Bowmans manage to cause no end of trouble and wind up the neighbourhood. I wonder if Carrona knows how powerful Perry is and what he will do if he finds out or will Perry be powerful enough to stop him and do as she pleases! It’s about to get really, really interesting!!