As summer approaches, why not hunker down, stay damp, stay in danger, and read Swamp Monsters, from Craig Yoe’s imprint, Yoe books?
IDW has released this Swamp Monster collection of pre-code horror stories, all taking place in, under and around the oozing swamp!
In addition to dozens of creepy stories about how life can go so wrong when you hang around swamp monsters, this volume starts off with a massively detailed introduction by artist Stephen R. Bissette. Bissette talks at length about swamp monsters in comics throughout the years.
The stories are suspenseful, full of drama, bad choices and unfortunate timing. Just when you thought you would get rich, here comes something in the swamp to eat you alive!
There are some wonderful covers reprinted here too!
Artists in this reprint volume include Basil Wolverton, Bob Powell, Matt Baker, Nick Cardy, and Jack Katz.
IDW, Yoe Books, Swamp Monsters, $24.99 for 128 pages of content. Not rated, assume Teen +