Once again Selina’s life seems to crumble just as she appears to be getting to grips with it.

The curse of the statue seems to be in full effect as Carlos takes a beating while Catwoman has to leave yet another potential suitor on a rooftop alone. Mrs. Creel really will stop at nothing to get her favourite son back to her fully restored, kidnapping Aunt Linda and beating Carlos is not even the start of it, I was a little shocked at how far she was willing to go, to be honest.

Catwoman however just can’t escape her feelings, she is obviously attracted to James but her feelings for Bruce are still very much alive no matter how much she tries to ignore them so she just ends up getting hurt twice over! Losing the statue is just salt in the very fresh wounds but surely she is not going to let Mrs. Creel get away with that especially now that its ‘woken up’ and just got very interesting I can’t wait to see where and what the map leads to!

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