Image Comics releases this monthly comic about mystery and crime in November on its first volume.

In any kind of coincidence, Image comics brings out the graphic novel November as if black Friday ever existed before. It was created by a writer named Matt Fraction and an artist Elsa Charretier. However, instead of Thanksgiving or Black Friday, this time the story focuses on their daily lives between the three women of the story in a dark, criminal background.

Let’s start of the beginning of the front cover of the comic, on the top of the comic, we get to show some of the locals going on with their daily lives, and it actually took place in the middle of Halloween as the character on the right is wearing a Spiderman mask. And in the middle, it shows our protagonist is holding up with her microphone while sweating. So on the start of the story, we have our main character Dee who is hanging out at the Diner restaurant doing her crossword puzzle, then she meets up with some guy named Mister Mann. During their meeting, they have some stories of their own. Dee is going with her personal life, even so, she’s a junkie, going around solving puzzles, going to a strip club and works as an anchor at her own radio station. And day after day, her routine changes from good luck to bad luck. The other story brings you about a gun in a puddle which almost looks like a curse. And “The Nature of the Emergency” is when everyone was an asshole at the police department. I mean to give these women a break, what did they have something against the law? Most importantly, why would people have so much disrespect about women? That’s really harsh and very abusive.

For some reason, this story is that so violent is that it shows any composition of the fear and violence throughout the city. And besides that, the story took place at the time of the month in November. Sometimes it shows an image of what domestic abuse is all about, as for women is something else because treating them that badly makes the men as the scum of the earth. Well if you rather want to read something that is so very dark, to begin with then this comic is just for you.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.