“Why are we doing this? Because we are now two faces. One good, the other bad. Half-and-half. Fifty-fifty. Opposite and equal. And we’re deadlocked. When that happens… we let the coin decide.”

The Back Story:  Harvey Dent first appeared in Detective Comics #66. August of 1942. An up-and-coming district attorney and one of Batman’s Allies he became disfigured during a court trial when crime boss Sal Maroni throws acid into his face scaring him. This causes Dent to lose his mind and becoming Two-Face who decides his victim’s fate by a flip of his lucky two-head coin.

What’s In The Box: Mezco’s One:12 Collective figure comes with 13 hands including coin flipping hands, 3 head sculpts one unscarred, missile launcher, missile with launch effect, encased radioactive light-up effect bomb, submachine gun with firing effects, handgun with firing effects, 4 switchblades, four lucky coins, four lucky coins with flip fx, gauze bandage,  two face logo base, and signature two-toned tailored suit.

The Verdict:  A much-needed addition to the Batman Family of Characters. Although the list of Batman Family figures is growing wildly in the Mezco realm this was a needed addition as there are a plethora of Batman and not enough Villains for him to fight. Two-Face is a great designed character, The suit down to the coin and coin flipping effect makes this a must-have for the Bat-fans out there. The Bomb is a nice addition to the vast amount of accessories included with the character. You definitely feel you get your money’s worth with him. Grab this one before it’s gone

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By Mike Hopkins - Feature Editor

As a long time collector, Mike's love for pop culture began in the 1980's with G I Joe and has grown since. Today he is our Managing Editor specializing in reviews of Mezco, DIamond Select Toys, DC Collectible and many other brands. As a writer he brings a honest but fair review style to Fanboy Factor. "What makes us who we are is our opinions other wise we get lost among many others who do not stand apart in the crowd."

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