The newest volume in the collected newspaper strips of Steve Canyon is Volume 11.

This collects the strips from 1967-1968, with full colour Sunday strips and black and white dailies.

There is a long prose intro, written by Bruce Canwell that sets the behind-the-scenes for Milton Caniff, the artist.
Essentially, the late 60’s were a time of division in the US, with Caniff being ‘pro military’ at a time when this was contentious. Indeed, Canadian newspapers began cancelling their subscriptions to the strip, feeling that the US involvement in Vietnam was nothing to glorify.

Nonetheless, the strip continued, and Caniff even brought back a few old characters, to touch on relevant topics including drug smuggling, war, the Olympic Games, and hippies!!

IDW Steve Canyon Vol 11, 1967-1968 $49.99 for 336 pages, colour and black and white interiors.

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!