Image Comics brings you a mystery comic about a tragic tale of a romantic relationship that started in a bad way in Love Everlasting the graphic novel.

So… I’m reviewing a Romance genre of a comic like this. AND THANK FUCKING GOD IT’S NOT ON WEBTOON because this story turns into a different kind of event from any other webcomic that you’ve read. But this comic is about being trapped in an endless cycle, a story about love with no end. The comic is written by Tom King and illustrated by Elsa Charretier. Tom is an American author and comic book writer who is best known for his novel A Once Crowded Sky, The Vision for Marvel Comics, and some other titles that he wrote for DC Comics. Even though he was an intern for Marvel and DC Comics back then, he also studied both philosophy and history at Columbia University. And Elsa is a French comic book writer and artist who worked for several publishers like DC, Marvel Comics, Penguin Random House, and Lucasfilm publishing, although her art style is probably more based on doing shapes and sometimes it makes something from what you studied on a Design class.

The front cover shows a woman wearing a wedding dress while soaked in blood. Apparently, she’s holding a shotgun as if she’s out there for blood. And for some reason, this isn’t the first time that I’ve seen a female character who has the edgiest mood. And the text bubble shows up on the cover which says “Hello, My Name is Joan Peterson… …And I probably love you.” The whole scenery shows an actual gesture of the character who is about to go out there and kill someone after all the trouble that she went through. This is going to be a short review because I have zero tolerance for reading some romantic cringy story in a comic like this one, but at least I can tell you about her tale.

The story starts when the whole apartment exploded and then the two of them hugged each other and say that they loved each other, but all of that was just a daydream to her. Fantasizing about the most logical bullshit that any human being ever produced. What really happened is when the main character moved to New York to find a job, but then she managed to find one as a typewriter from her friend, she met with her boss and started to go out with each other, until he decides to ghost her after a few days, and then he made a comeback with the most logical bullshit in comic book history. So I can’t keep going on this review because there are so many tales of a romantic relationship between Joan and George in different timelines. But this story is so awkward I MEAN WHAT THE HELL?!

But there’s one part of the story that got me intrigued, there’s this part of the story which is called “The Hunt for Love” where Joan is out there killing those who cheated on her because she had enough of that shit, right until a cowboy shot her to death, and both of them died together at last. Even so, there are so many stories from different timelines which leave everything with a happy, yet bad ending.

I can’t say what to expect from this story, and the human brain can’t take it. I’m not a fan of reading any cringy-ass romance comics like this because you never know what will happen when something defines it in real life. But this comic goes on another journey of messed up moments in life. The last thing I can talk about is her art style, like I said, she is based on doing some shapes from a Design class in college, but somehow you feel like reading some of the retro comics in the 1940s or the 50s during World War II. But her art style almost looks like one of the ad posters that I saw on the train about Freelancers. And once I got used to looking at that, it almost seem that the artist is drawing comics in an old comic art style back then. And once I looked into this comic, it seems that it was too innovative that there are some artists who draw something like this in the modern age. That at least I can explain that, otherwise if you go and watch Batman The Animated Series, you’ll get a deja vu about the character design. So yeah, if you’re into a comic that is something like that, then this is for you.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.