Synopsis: The Angel killer continues to run rampant and piling up a body count, but something is different about his style of murder. This time the killer’s methods have taken an unusual route that has given Detective Dario and Diaz a lead on who the killer could be. But will they like what they find? And what consequences will Detective Dario reap in the process? 

    Writing: If the first issue was focused on who has been the cause of the murders that are staged as angelic deaths, then this issue focuses on the why behind the murders. Tomasi does a good job at creating tension and stakes as Detective Dario and Diaz stumble to stay on the Angel killer’s trail of death. Tomasi writes a compelling villain who murders people due to distorted biblical beliefs of mercy and punishment and how he parallels that of Dario’s job as a detective to serve and protect. There are some great well written moments between Dario and his extended family members, home life, and civilian life that adds more depth to Dario as a character and his obsession with solving this case. The writing is dense but well paced that readers get their money’s worth of story instead of empty space, and for $3.99, that’s always worth investing in. 

    Art: Maxim Simic is the kind of illustrator that is perfect for stories such as this. While he has a style that is suited for him, unlike mainstream superhero comics, Simic is concerned with the importance of displaying the narrative of the story. That can get lost in translation when focused on all of the big pinup flair of eye candy, and while that isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it can take a lot away from detective stories such as these which Simic preserves the integrity of. Everything from panel layout to subtle character interactions, banter, quiet moments, Simic puts it on display, effectively cementing the kind of energy that Tomasi had written for him to draw, or at least the reader can be convinced of that due to how well the story reads thanks to Rob Leigh’s lettering, and John Kalisz colors harmoniously working in tandem with Simic’s linework. 

    By Anthony Andujar Jr.

    Anthony Andujar Jr. is an NYC cartoonist and lover of comics and music. So much so that it led him to writing comic book reviews in between it all.