After the mutant massacre caused by Orchis, the mutants are scattered, and broken. A new X-men team is formed, with Shadowkat leading the charge. What happened to the stranded mutants that survived the attack on Krakoa? What happened to Shadowkat after the attack? 

Gerry Duggan details Kate Pryde’s perspective after the fallout from Orchis’s massacre of Krakoa during the third annual Hellfire Gala. While most of the mutants are scattered, a small sect of X-men consisting of Synch, Talon, Kate, Ms Marvel, Rasputin lV, gear up in NYC while Kate does reconnaissance work in various places to see what became of the surviving mutants since Orchis’s attack. Duggan takes time to lay the groundwork on the current state of events for the X-men, establishing where they are and where they’ll be heading. This is very much a Kate Pryde-centric issue, and readers get to see Kate’s shift in personality over the passage of time before and after the 3rd annual Hellfire Gala. The amount of problems that the X-men face come to roost as plot elements that were mentioned in different arcs are addressed, personifying this Fall of X era, including the fall and rebirth of Kate in light of current events. The writing is top-notch, with many moving parts that surely wet the appetite for what comes next. 

Stefano Caselli illustrates this issue and does a hell of a job illustrating the various sceneries and moments within this issue. From panel compositions, layouts, and action sequences, it’s all substance, no filler. With Marte Garcia’s colorwork, embellishing Caselli’s fantastic art, and Clayton Cowles brilliantly lettering the book with placement and space for all of the visual narrative to breathe in sync, this is a strong issue, and a solid follow-up detailing the aftermath of the mutant massacre caused by Orchis. The X-men books are on fire as of late, showing that the Fall of X has a ton of promise and hopeful payoff for what is to come. This is a book to add to your pull list for any X-men fan that has kept up to date with the Krakoan era of X-Books.

By Anthony Andujar Jr.

Anthony Andujar Jr. is an NYC cartoonist and lover of comics and music. So much so that it led him to writing comic book reviews in between it all.