Webtoon brings you a horror webcomic about two masked cats living in their normal lives but nothing strange is going on for them which is Everything is Fine.


Well, you just knew how many memes you saw where a dog is sitting on a table on fire saying “This is fine”, especially the GIFs which are my favorite. So now I want to share my thoughts on a different kind of meme in the form of a webtoon which is Everything is Fine. You might that this webtoon is kind of like Sesame Street or the Mupperts only that they had their heads on to perform something out of the ordinary. But the story is quite something else to describe something in the main character’s daily lives. The webcomic was created by Mike Birchall who just described himself as his failures that he “lost a fiddle contest with the devil and my punishment is drawing one billion cat heads.” I mean did the author go to Georgia and meet with the devil? I just thought that he sold his soul to create this webtoon just to prove to himself that he could easily draw some cat heads. I don’t know what was he smoking, but that was some dedication.

The first thing I popped those Nefarious cat thieves into my phone on the webtoon app, it shows the cutest moment that any normal couple you ever seen. The lady cat head is giving the male cat head his lunch for work. But if you look at that graphic novel version, it shows only the blood that has been spilled on the female cat head’s face. And the art, there’s not much to say because Mike draws a lot of cat heads that look like the cat heads from Hello Kitty. I’d say it’s promising that this webtoon would be family-friendly material, but the genre of the comic is “Horror” and once when I put this son of a bitch on the first episode, it didn’t show any age rating. So I say that this webtoon is not truly appropriate for children to read until you, the adult reader see it through for yourself and understand why this comic is horrifying. So yeah I’m not going through the whole story, I’m just going to talk about a little details of what this webtoon is about.

The story starts with the first episode on a generic everyday life like any other human being should do, right until you read to the middle where it’s raining and the end. When I started reading this webtoon it looked really cute seeing the cat heads look happy but a little disoriented. But when you get to the end when the female cat Maggie gets to feed her pet Winston, she notices that the dog is not coming to eat. As soon as you scroll down to the end, the dog is dead. And it was left decayed for days or years, and never even bothered to bury him.

So the point of this title is more like having anyone notice that this family is doing alright, but for me as a reader, I guess these people have some problems. I mean Maggie just burned Sam’s bacon, Sam telling her to forget the bad stuff and move on and be positive, she spilled coffee and broke the cup, and the dog is dead. And it’s not just those two, the other people are all cat heads and for some reason, someone or something is watching them, because from what I see throughout the story the whole town is a prison.

This comic may be as disturbing as it gets, but good luck finding a grown-up to read this piece of Hooky with you. And there’s nothing to say about this webtoon because they’re just going into a never-ending cycle living their normal lives like a cat turd circling a flushing toilet. But the turd factor skyrockets when you discover the darkest secret coming from this webtoon that you have never seen before, its that kind of thing where you get the feeling that “something is odd” and sooner or later you’ll realize, EVERYTHING IS NOT FINE.

Let me explain here: when you get to Episodes 7 through 9, there’s a scene where the neighbor Charlie asks Maggie if she wants to see the train set in the basement of his home, but then the other neighbor is spying on them. That cat head is a snitch, so they called the police to investigate Charlie’s house and his basement, after that, the police officer electrocuted him by pressing something on his phone. I would assume that the town is controlling the cat head citizens, but what makes no sense is that these people have no idea how the town has so much control to overpower these citizens, even Maggie was stunned and kept repeating “Forget.” All of that because Charlie bought so much foil just to make some project or something. Maggie realized what was going on and found out that these people were being taken away. And the later episodes, her husband is shocked that her wife killed the police officer, tells everything about Charlie, and then frames the neighbors next door for murdering a police officer because they’re the ones who snitched on Charlie.

If there’s one, one simple cool thing about this webtoon is the part where Maggie discovers how Charlie is using his foil to block the signals on their cat heads and the phones at the same time because the foil is used to block electromagnetic fields like cutting the signal and focuses on themselves. Even when she gets a lot of foil, one of the neighbors is spying on her and thinks that she bought some model trains to play with. But when the police officer starts to investigate their basement, Maggie slams the officer’s cat head with a hammer, and it’s very brutal. After that, they both realized what had been doing their whole lives and it turns out this whole town is sick. So what did they do?? Sam and Maggie stabbed both of the neighbors in the back for snitching Charlie. After the police officers arrest the neighbors, one of them insists Sam and Maggie go to Lakeview with him.

So what else there is to say about this webtoon?? …… NOTHING. It’s just an average mature horror story about some cat heads living in a town filled with some of the darkest secrets. And it’s just like any other comic outside of webtoon that I’ve read. I really don’t want to curse on this webtoon but this is so fucked up. I mean creating a webcomic about cat heads living their lives normally in a town that is under control by someone, but then the story turned so dark that the author included some intense graphic content, and above all the scrolling of some of the panels are too long. You just witnessed a sick cruel imagery on every episode from one chapter to another. What’s the point?! WHO GETS THE IDEA TO CREATE A COMIC ABOUT CAT HEADS WITH SOME INTENSE GRAPHIC CONTENT?! I READ SOME VIOLENT AND GORE COMICS OUTSIDE OF WEBTOON NUMEROUS TIMES. BUT THIS SHIT, EVERYTHING IN THIS COMIC IS NOT FINE!! WHAT WERE THEY THINKING, SMOKING, DRINKING?!! How did it get into Webtoon? I don’t know… But as an adult, I’m glad they did.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.