In Season 2 of Invincible, Mark Grayson struggles to carve out his own heroic identity in the wake of Omni-Man’s betrayal while confronting new threats, particularly Angstrom Levy, a villain with multiversal knowledge who harbors a personal vendetta against him. As Mark wrestles with his Viltrumite heritage and the fear of becoming like his father, he also faces the looming danger of the Viltrumite Empire and navigates complex relationships with allies like Atom Eve. The season reaches its climax in the finale, Episode 8 (“I Thought You Were Stronger”), where Levy kidnaps Mark’s family and drags him through alternate dimensions in a desperate act of revenge. Pushed to his breaking point, Mark ultimately kills Levy in a fit of rage, echoing his father’s brutality and leaving him in a moral crisis. As the dust settles, Mark finds solace in his mother’s embrace, haunted by the realization that he may not be as different from Omni-Man as he hoped, setting the stage for even greater challenges ahead.

As Season 3 opens, Mark agrees to work with Cecil to maintain greater control of his powers. Meanwhile, Cecil is doing his best to protect Earth from a possible Viltrumite invasion. Mark and Cecil’s ideologies collide with Mark seeing things in black and white and Cecil seeing things in shades of gray. This causes a conflict between the two men and the Guardians of the Globe are soon pulled in as well.

Mark also needs to help his mother with his stepbrother Oliver, who is aging at a rapid rate. This also means Oliver is getting his powers earlier than Mark did. So now it is up to Mark what it means to be a hero, even though Mark is still trying to figure that out for himself.

Season 3 started off with a bang. Mark, voiced by Steven Yeun, is still learning how not to be like his father Omni Man and to be his own as Invincible. Yeun has Mark down to a science. The amount of emotion is just incredible. Great range from him. Really humanized the character.

Walton Goggins, by contrast, plays Cecil with this cool and collective demeanor. The protection of the Earth is his main concern and he’s willing to do anything to protect it. Even though Cecil does have ulterior motives, deep down he does care for Mark.

New to the cast is Christian Convery as Mark’s stepbrother Oliver. Convery just seamlessly slips into the cast and is able to take the ball and run. He does a great job voicing a toddler Oliver, and a pre-teen Oliver. Great range on this kid.

Invincible was created by Robert Kirkman, Cory Walker, and Ryan Ottley. With Kirkman developing the series, it really captures the feel of the comic, while making it its own entity. One of the main advantages of doing a creator-owned property, you have more control over the final product and it shows.

Just like in the other two seasons, Season 3 delivers the same excitement and drama you expect from this show. There are great moments of action, but this is a violent and somewhat gory show. While normally not a fan of all the blood and guts, Invincible is saying something about superheroes in general.

But it’s not just the action. The drama is great as well. You really feel for these characters. Their highs and lows.

If you still think comic book heroes are just one dimensional you really need to watch Invincible. Hopefully, this will get you to read the comic as well.

Season 3 successfully continues the same feeling, and does a great job doing it. Season 3 is a must-watch. If you haven’t watched Invincible yet, Seasons 1 and 2 are still available on Prime Video, so get started watching it now.

Invincible Season 3 premiers on Prime Video on Thursday, February 6th.

By Brian Isaacs - Executive Editor / Publisher

An avid comic collector/reader for over 50 years and self-proclaimed professor of comicology, Brian originally started up the site Pendragon's Post to share his voice. Well, that voice has been shared and evolved into The Fanboy Factor. Brian is an advocate for remembering comic roots, and that we don't forget what was created in the past, and encourage everyone to read it as well. When not swimming in geek culture, he can be seen corrupting..introducing his young son to comics, much to his wife's chagrin.

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