The hits just keep coming for Calamity as we delve into her back story a little.
It starts off pretty badass with Calamity performing some point perfect driving before casually slaying a demon, honestly straight out of the movies. This is cut with flashes of her history and it’s not so cool as we see the degradation of her relationship leading to her becoming a monster Slayer.
I love everything about this comic, the artwork is gory as all hell, its fast-paced and exciting but above all else the story is great, not a depressingly tragic back story but sad enough and one I’m sure most of us can relate to some degree but mixed in with some funnier flashes, you just know straight away how mum is going to react to Aunt Kates birthday present and it breaks up the tension of the relationship downfall.
As if that wasn’t enough Kate gets a massive kick in the teeth that could affect every part of her life and will certainly affect how she continues on her path to being the greatest monster slayer ever!! I can not wait!!!