Comic Review: Harley Quinn #22 (DC Comics)
Just how big is Harley’s shower seems like the entire house and friends were getting clean.
Just how big is Harley’s shower seems like the entire house and friends were getting clean.
We finally find out more about Red Tool this issue and it’s definitely not what I was expecting!
Harley’s future comes back to haunt her this issue as another side story comes crashing to the fore.
It’s bad news good news for Harley this issue. Bad news is she’s in a room full of bones at the mercy of Cannibals. Good news she’s found Skipper, kind…
These Cannibals are away to find out that there is no such thing as an easy meal.
Harley goes undercover this issue to investigate the missing homeless population.
The year is 2472 and there are only 13 species of animal left on earth.
Harley’s dream partnership continues as her, Power Girl and Atlee struggle against Zorcrum.
If you take anything away from this issue it should be: always carry plenty of ‘butt money’
Never a moments peace for Harley and the crew and each time the crisis is even bigger than the last!