Move over Tarzan, Sheena is the rightful ruler of the Jungle!

Sheena patrols her jungle and keeps it safe from the dangers that are becoming more frequent. One such danger is upon her now, a Cowodi flying turtle (a drone) sent to spy on her and her jungle friends. Sheena is not about to let that happen and expertly shoots the drone down but unfortunately, it lands in the sacred temple where all are forbidden to venture!

After much deliberation, Sheena decides that the best course of action is to enter the forbidden ground of temple.  The gods will surely forgive her trespasses it is to get rid of the Cowodi spy so is her sacred duty. Inside the temple, she faces booby traps galore as the ancient spirits test her and possibly punish her for disturbing the sanctity.

As Sheena retrieves the turtle a poisonous pollen is released by the ancients gods as punishment for her trespass but as she escapes she closes the doorway trapping the pollen in the temple, luckily the vines die in the sunlight so cannot infect her jungle or her village. Panic over and her duty down Sheena relaxes knowing that she has kept the Evil Cowodi out of her jungle, or has she? Sheena doesn’t know but the flying metal turtle had a friend and that friend may have started something that will jeopardize Sheena’s safety of she isn’t careful!