Has Jacques Zacques finally gotten his revenge on Wizord and what has Margaret been hiding?

It’s all building to a head as Jacques’s plan is executed pretty well considering its Jacques plan and they never usually work. If Wizord was at full strength then there wouldn’t be an issue but his magic is finished so he is out of his depth against all these opponents. Ruby Stitch being lured by the party was a stroke of genius but she may still save the day yet if Wizord can hold on that is.

Margaret is amazing, I love all the secret military side too her and the unexplained code names that give her carte blanche is very interesting. By the looks of what happens after she gets her memories back, she is a pretty formidable warrior and possibly even with amnesia she hasn’t lost it and that’s how she got her own code name! Either way, she is badass and may be the one to save the day. So many things are coming together it’s getting really exciting, did Sizzajee cross over into this realm or at the very least get closer to it? Its all about to kick off big time, it’s going to be epic!