Wow, what a brilliant comic, explosions,  tomb raiding, and monsters.

The artwork in this issue is amazing as well, the dark imposing images of the tomb contrast brilliantly with the fluorescent lighting of Gotham. The panels of Ragman littered with the rags sprawled over the panel are a really effective of showing Ragmans presence.

Rory as the unwitting and totally unaware hero of the story really works and I can’t wait to see how it works out with his old team still helping him out especially after THAT final page. As Rory becomes more in tune with the rags I can see him really stepping up the action even though there have already been some pretty epic fight scenes both before and after the rags bind with Rory.

I am really looking forward to the next issue as it looks like it is away to seriously kick off and things could possibly change completely for Rory.