Dark Horse Comics brings you one of the longest classic manga graphic novels of Oh My Goddess!

On its sixth volume as in omnibus edition. This manga is more of a shojo manga genre than the shonen manga genre, it was created by Kosuke Fujishima, the same guy who created the art of the most popular RPG video game in Japan which is “Tales of” series. But honestly, I only heard about the creator rather than reading his manga, because what you’re about to see is the most disturbing thing that I’ve ever read.

Actually, the story focuses on regular Japanese people in their everyday lives, even though some of them were actually believed in god, but somehow there are a lot of theories behind this manga whether it’s any occult related or deities in gods or goddesses or vice versa. However the plot actually focuses on some boy who happens to be a college student in his second year, accidentally called the goddess helpline to grant him a single wish. And then the goddess Belldandy appeared before him and they lived together for some time. And as usual, this manga contains a lot of comedy and gags around about how their relationship ball is rolling…. Of course, it focuses on occult and godly like stories as I said earlier, but there’s nothing to talk about this manga. But yeah, this manga has been popular and the series had been running for so long until the series ended in 2014. I mean I don’t want to talk about this book, I want to talk about the author’s art and success.

Not only that the artist Kosuke Fujishima created a manga like this one, but he’s also a character designer of the “Tales” RPG series like I said earlier, and some other related stuff that he did for his career, but actually my best art from him is that he created the Tales character designs, his art and designs made me stunned when I actually played Tales of Symphonia for Gamecube for the first time. But mostly, his character designs are almost looked more like his manga. From the manga, to cover art game, to his actual original illustrations, it’s so badass. It’s really so badass that he continued making art for any other Tales game that he would create for the characters, and his designs were promising and never a waste, and ever since I played the game, his designs looked too real and made me feel inspired by him when I was very young, and I started drawing for all these years. So anyway I don’t know about this comic, but if anyone wants to read it, it’s your choice. But most importantly his art is always the best.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.