Dark Horse Comics releases a comic series that is another New York future stereotypes of Laguardia on its first issue.

Now I’m gonna stop you right there, and look at the title….. LaGuardia? What the hell is going on? Someone just made another New York-themed story that actually took place in the future. I mean if you aren’t expecting for a comic book cover like this, it just makes you like a fool. There are spaceships all over just to take over the earth. Oh, and speaking of earth, why are there plants surrounding the character? I don’t know they can make the story of Laguardia, but the creator made a reference around some parts of New York, like the airport, public schools and a two-year college where I studied years ago and which I called it home. But it’s not actually about that, this story takes place where everything is going to be judgemental.

So this story is actually about Humans and Aliens getting along with each other, but America gets a lot of judgment against their kind, this is just so cruel. There are some two main characters named Citizen and Future, but their real names are Raphael Nwabara and Nwafor Chukwuebuka and as for that Raphael is Nigerian while Nwafor is African. These two are plant lovers and nurtured for the life forms of these plants, but unfortunately, things are gonna get complicated for those two because there are so many alien protests that wanted these creatures out of their planet. Do people have any problems with alien around planet earth? When Future arrived at the airport, some security officers questions for being pregnant for reasons and asked her if her baby is human. I got to tell you, this is too logical to question a pregnant woman, it’s rude, really. After that, when she arrived in New York, she brought a plant with her named Letme Live, that plant is actually alive and gave it from Citizen as a memento or something. But unfortunately for Citizen, he’s growing some plant root on his beard, are you kidding? How is that possible, is the human DNA gets mixed with a plant? Poison Ivy doesn’t get to tension on having children. But anyway what will happen for the future of humans and aliens?

It’s just too common to create a story related to New York because there are so many things that America would go against, but now it’s aliens that are illegal for that time. There’s some backstory about someone who experienced going to New York and what made the story look like an ideal to have immigrants a new home. Her name is Nnedimma Nkemdili Okorafor. She talked about how she experienced terribly at LaGuardia Airport when the TSA did a body check, it’s just natural to see if people are carrying some drugs or something, even though they went to her hair. She thought about the aliens that she interpreted as the story goes. And it goes on until she had an inspiration to write a comic about humans and aliens living together. The art of the comic and just simply the plot of the comic took place in the future, where aliens started building some industrial buildings and better technology, like the vehicles that Citizen and Future are driving.

LaGuardia is just another story which seemed to have more in common with the immigrants, except some people don’t want them in their country which is bad and made them feel attacked somehow. 2016 sucks by the way because of Donald Trump made himself President of America, and even when I heard from the news and social media a few months later, other foreigners were being threatened by other people who persuaded them to “go back to their country”, come on, please respect them. Even so, Letme Live is just a fragile plant that is almost going to die, and its an expression is the same as a human being. The sketches at the end of the comic that the artists were showing more of who these characters really are as if the readers are somehow confused about the plot. However, the characters of this comic seemed to me like normal people. The story is too random just to describe as a “Very Modern Story of Immigration”, according to the front cover, and it’s amazing just to include aliens on this book just to know the story and the terrible fate for the future of America. If you rather read something in common about the laws in the alternative New York City, then this is for you.

By Kevin Bermeo

I'm a New Yorker Artist, and I traveled a lot. I enjoy making comics, illustrations, paintings, and digital art. Besides drawing, I'm also a writer, I used to be a Gamer, and I love adventures, food, and dragons.