The ultimate head-scratching team up issue is here from both Dark Horse and DC. Go figure. It’s Black Hammer / Justice League: Hammer of Justice! #1.

Written by ‘cross over’ writer Jeff Lemire, and illustrated by Michael Walsh, Hammer of Justice is a really fun examination of (once again) “What If”. In THIS case, What If the characters of Black Hammer, trapped in their farming community environment, are made to magically switch places with the members of the Justice League?

It’s wacky, somewhat unnerving (seeing the JL drawn in the style of Black Hammer) and weirdly wonderful. I won’t say much more than to recommend that you pick this up. It’s one of the summer’s best and most unusual ‘events’ for sure!

Dark Horse/DC Comics: Black Hammer / Justice League: Hammer of Justice! #1, $3.99 for 24 pages of content. Rated: possibly Teen

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!