Synopsis: A human test subject wakes up in a facility where he has been experimented on. Captive, he has nothing but his wits and a newly energized, big arm.

Flooded with a slew of enemies ready to stand in the way between his search for freedom and the truth behind his ordeal, this one man will have to fight his way through it all and survive!

Writing: During the year of 2020, the whole world went into a temporary halt, leaving many publishers to cease production of various comics that were scheduled to release. In the midst of that, the only comics that were coming out were from indie comics creators that were producing whether the world was ending or not. There is something beautiful about storytellers still willing to tell stories regardless of whether the world is going great or not. Chuck Kaslow is one of those cartoonists that rose to such an occasion as storyteller that wanted to make a book that helped not only to entertain readers but also opened an avenue for storytelling possibilities that Kaslow himself had never explored prior until that moment in time.

What Kaslow created is a fast-paced, action-packed comic consisting of one protagonist, who awoke with a gigantic arm, and a whole lotta rage as he braves through waves of enemies who aim to kill him without any other objective but that. It’s that simple, and yet in that simplicity, that’s what makes the book fun. Sometimes I come across comics that try too hard to be over the top with all kinds of explanations as to why such machinations occur throughout the book. Thankfully Kaslow understands this and just approaches it like a b-movie action flick, where anything goes, and you can just pick up the book and go for the ride. Things get crazy in this book, where the protagonist has to survive waves of antagonists who’re trying to tear him apart, and yet through all of it, you can’t help but remain interested in where the book is headed, making for a great schlocky time.

The art is explosive, extravagant, bloody, and ridiculously fun. Kaslow has usually made comics that teeters on the line of horror and humor as seen in his previous works such as Tales of the Barkside. In this particular book, he goes outside of what he usually does and goes all in on illustrating action sequences between characters, choreographing all kinds of insanity between the various fighters that the protagonist faces off against. It seems Kaslow leaned into a bit of a manga approach with his book, and it makes it all the more enjoyable to read as a balls-to-the-wall action book. At the time Kaslow put the book out as zine split in 3 installments, but after some time he has managed to have the book bound and collected as a mini volume for those interested in checking it out and buying it. If you’re looking for something fun from an indie cartoonist that’s producing some humorously fun, ballistic stuff that you can pick up, read and enjoy, this is one to pick up. You can purchase the first volume by going to his website

By Anthony Andujar Jr.

Anthony Andujar Jr. is an NYC cartoonist and lover of comics and music. So much so that it led him to writing comic book reviews in between it all.