Bloodshot continues his mission to hunt down and eliminate any and all super soldiers that have gone rogue or pose a threat to any and all inhabitants that they come into contact with.
This leads Bloodshot into a town that is drenched in radiation, in search of a soldier whose brain dwells inside a nuclear armored mech. In the midst of all this, Bloodshot is starting to question his own programming as a boy follows him around town. Who is this boy? What is his connection with Bloodshot, and can he keep him sane long enough to survive his mission?
Deniz Camp does a fantastic job writing an action comic that has psychological depth amongst all the brutality that’s on display. Much like the first issue, there’s interesting commentary on the military-industrial complex that really compliments this book and the character of Bloodshot. While companies benefit from creating super soldiers for their own means, the ones who suffer the most are the survivors, if not the soldiers who lose their inner child in the midst of trauma. Bloodshots journey to finding and eliminating the heavily mechanized soldier reflects that as both of them are two soldiers weaponized by their own governments to be biological weapons of mass destruction, that left unchecked and neglected, can cause irreparable damage.
Despite all of the glorious choreographed action pieces and thoughtful narrative themes, what really sells this issue is how Bloodshot interacts with the residents of every environment or town that he strolls in an attempt to aid however and whomever he can. There are moments that Camp writes that display humanity in the character despite all the horrific scenery that he bears witness to that is reflective of today’s neighborhoods devastated by fallout and neglect by those of corporate interest. The inner child theme is a through line that consists throughout the book that is a nice foil to the more adult reflections of Bloodshots own self and mission. When at risk of despair, what keeps him alive is the youthful need to endure and live, which is beautifully written by Camp.
Jon Davis-Hunt continues to amaze with his illustrative work, choreographing brutally ballistic fisticuffs that sprawl across entire layouts and pages. Coupled with Jordie Bellaire’s muted yet explosive color work and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou’s brilliant lettering, this book continues to shine as one of Valiants best offerings from their current library of books. What really makes the book the most is Otamane’s use of lettering, between characters and narrative sequences, that give everyone and everything a distinct voice, complimenting the art and story of the book as a cohesive package for readers to enjoy. It’s a worthwhile book to add to your pull list for new comic book day.