The alternate reality series, Black Cotton returns soon, with a Kickstarter release of a new trade!

“Black Cotton is set in an alternate reality where the social order of “white” and “black” is reversed. An elitist black family, the Cottons, are rocked by a tragic shooting that begins to unravel long-standing family secrets that could not only destroy the family but also divide the fragile social climate of the world.”

Volume One of the comic title has already been released through Scout Comics, collecting its first issues. In a bit of a twist, Volume Two, collecting two NEW issues, will be available first to Kickstarter backers. This second volume will later be available in stores, likely in 2024.

Volume Two picks up a year later. Now a detective, Zion Cotton is working on a new murder case involving a young white kid. The police have little enthusiasm for the case, but Zion is determined to see justice. In the meantime, Qia Cotton is targeting the very same neighbourhood with an eye to funding a massive development project there.

Brian Hawkins’ script consists of colourful street language as the story gets underway. Playful flirting takes place in a rundown Northern Virginia neighborhood, as a social gathering winds up. But then, one of the group winds up dead, and all hell breaks loose. Artist Marco Perugini keeps the linework loose and impressionist, not overly concerned with dotting all the eyes. But the loose approach works wonders, allowing us easy access to the story, not detracting from it. The expressions are vivid, the body language languid or tense, depending on the circumstance. All in all, the story launches quickly into a multilayered drama and is well-handled.

Colourist Marcelo Henrique Santana allows for multi-shades, working with levels of brown and blue, keeping the lighting low and in pockets. Think: streetlamps, silhouettes, sudden gunshots, vehicle headlights. It’s appropriate to the plot and it’s brightly done. Lettering is by Francisco Zamora.

All in all, the advance pages are really powerful, with no time wasted as the creators resume the Black Cotton saga.

The Kickstarter launches Thursday April 27, 2023. Here’s a link to the prelaunch information:

Coming soon: BLACK COTTON: Vol. 2 Issue # 1 &

By Alan Spinney

After a career of graphic design, art direction and copywriting, I still have a passion for words and pictures. I love it when a comic book comes together; the story is tight, and the drawings lead me forward. Art with words... the toughest storytelling technique to get right. Was this comic book worth your money? Let's see!!