Clark Kent (Jack Quaid) is nervous. Not only is he and his roommate Jimmy Olsen (Ishmel Sahid) starting their internship at the Daily Planet, but Clark is still trying to cope with hiding his powers. When they get to the Planet, they are met by lead intern Lois Lane. Lois is a real go-getter, and she just wants that big break. Unforntually her boss, Perry White, just sees her as an intern and not a reporter, no matter her enthusiasm.

But life is never easy in Metropolis. In a city fueled by technology, it major temptation for criminals. Lois, Jimmy, and Clark find themselves over their head and Clark is forced to use his powers in a makeshift disguise. Seen as a hero, Lois ends up naming him Superman. Clark returns to Smallville to talk to his parent. They convince him to embrace his powers and help people. Clark dons a Kryptonian outfit and introduces himself to the world as Superman.

Now Clark must balance his two lives and finds himself falling for Lois.

OK, so on the surface, this starts as another origin/year-one story, but the way the creators go about it is what makes the difference. It’s the way the story is retold that makes this series. Clark, Jimmy, and Lois are all younger in this series. I would say, probably just out of college, but it works.

Jack Quaid does an excellent job as both Clark Kent and Superman. As Clark, Quaid is able to show us a Clark who is really unsure of himself, but not the milk toast wimp we’ve seen people. And not overconfident either. Very relatable. As Superman, we have the big boy scout back. He will defeat the villains, but he would rather find a way to reason with them and help people.

Alice Lee voices Lois Lane. She is a firecracker. She doesn’t take no for an answer. Someone who will do anything to get the story. So determined to prove to everyone that she is the best, but not in an arrogant way at all. In this series, Lois is attracted to Clark, and Lee does a great job being flustered by it.

Rounding out the cast is Ishmel Sahid. He plays Jimmy with such positivity. Always in a good mood and always a friendly face.

I like the animation style of this series. It’s an anime-like style and looks great. It really flows with both the facial expressions and the action sequences.

What really makes this show is the strong writing. The scripts and quick and smart. Enough beats to bring you up and bring you down. You can seriously tell this takes place in the DC Universe somewhere in the multiverse because there are a lot of Easter Egg and character introductions. Seriously well done.

If you want a new fresh take on Superman then you seriously need to watch this show. I’m hooked!

My Adventures of Superman premiers on Adult Swim on July 6 at midnight. If miss it, which you shouldn’t, it will be available on Max the next day.

By Brian Isaacs - Executive Editor / Publisher

An avid comic collector/reader for over 50 years and self-proclaimed professor of comicology, Brian originally started up the site Pendragon's Post to share his voice. Well, that voice has been shared and evolved into The Fanboy Factor. Brian is an advocate for remembering comic roots, and that we don't forget what was created in the past, and encourage everyone to read it as well. When not swimming in geek culture, he can be seen corrupting..introducing his young son to comics, much to his wife's chagrin.