Joe has finally found his brother Ken, but his reunion with Ken isn’t gonna go down the way he had hoped. Things have changed since their last meeting and with enough time passed, it is now the question of which brother is the strongest!

 This issue is jam-packed with action, and heart as both brothers, Joe and Ken face off with one another not solely for combat, but to uncover what happened between the two that caused such a rift for so many years. It’s an emotionally fueled reunion that’s full of revelations and hyperchoreographed fighting that keeps you invested in Joe and Ken’s individual journeys as brothers and autonomously as people. Burnett does a fantastic job at conveying the deep-rooted pain that Ken feels towards Joe as the golden child of Vic while simultaneously, Joe harbors regret towards not being as present for his younger brother as he should’ve. It all culminates into a great issue that paves the way for some surprises by the end of this issue.

Burnett’s art in this issue is nothing less than kinetically bombastic, full of action and dynamism on every page. Whether characters are combating, or conversing, every page and panel is constructed with enthusiasm that is felt throughout the book. The colorwork by Walter Bauaamonte, Sara Antonelli, Simona Ivrato, and Sharon Marino is nothing short of vibrant. Every page pops with excitement and power, and with Andworld Design’s lettering, the entire art team continues to make this book a splendid read. This is a comic that will appeal to anyone that are fans of Street Fighter, Tekken, Fatal Fury, King of Fighters, and Scott Pilgrim. You’re missing out on adding this to your pull list and should add it to your pull list for New Comic Book Day.

By Anthony Andujar Jr.

Anthony Andujar Jr. is an NYC cartoonist and lover of comics and music. So much so that it led him to writing comic book reviews in between it all.