After years of being trapped in an artificial dream, believed to have been victorious, The Children of the Vault have awoken and are free from their bindings since the fall of Krakoa. Orchis’s attack on Krakoa left the mutant population scattered and unprotected, which means that the safeguards that once held the Children of the Vault at bay are none existent. Now on the loose, and rapidly evolving, The Children of the Vault aim to evolve the earth as they see fit and eliminate any that stand in their way. With no one to aid him, Bishop will have to find the only X-man fit for the job to eliminate this problem, Cable.

Deniz Camp is no stranger to sci-fi, cyberpunk, futurist themes and he does a great job at exploring some of those ideas while streamlining the series of events that has led to Bishop and Cable’s team-up for this book. Camp does a great job at showing the contrasts between Cable and Bishop, and how their fair share of time travel experiences have molded them into who they are in the present. Readers get to see how the Children of the Vault’s very presence impacts the power structures of the world and all of the established superpowers and organizations within it. What’s great is Camp shows how impactful the Children of the Vault are as a force, to the point that many superpowers call into question how to move without risking annihilation. It’s a solid sci-fi action book that fits well within Camp’s wheelhouse as a writer, making for an exciting, and engaging read.

Luca Maresca illustrates the book and executes delivering solid page layouts and panel work that fits the kind of quality that’s been associated with this Krakoa era of X-titles. Carlos Lopez does a splendid job providing solid color work, and Cory Petit delivers exceptional letter work that makes the entire book a cohesive reading experience on behalf of all involved within the creative team. If you’re a fan of Cable and Bishop, this book will fill the void for the lack of spotlight on those characters, and if you’re a fan of what’s been going on in the current era of X-men; this book will definitely peak your interests and is worth adding to your pull list for new comic book day.

By Anthony Andujar Jr.

Anthony Andujar Jr. is an NYC cartoonist and lover of comics and music. So much so that it led him to writing comic book reviews in between it all.