TV Review: ARROW Season 2 – City Of Heroes (CW)
At the end of last season, the earthquake device has devastated the lower income area in Starling City known as the Glades. And Oliver Queen has lost his friend Tommy…
At the end of last season, the earthquake device has devastated the lower income area in Starling City known as the Glades. And Oliver Queen has lost his friend Tommy…
This week the Nerd Managers talk about good and evil. Also comics, TV, and video games… Need your weekly dosage of nerd? Are you a fan of Doctor Who? Comics?…
It is hard to say if it is because I wear nerdy shirts, because I read comics in public, or because I am constantly making super hero references but people…
2013 was the first (and apparently, the last) year that I became a member of the Mattycollector’s “Club Infinite Earth” subscription based club. I say “the last” because if you…
To the people at the BBC: Tonight I just watched the DOCTOR WHO: THE DOCTOR’S REVISITED featuring the Eighth Doctor Paul McGann. I know the 1996 movie has its quirks,…
With ARROW starting it’s 2nd season shortly, and the Flash announced as a spin-off, I started to take a look at the DC Universe and tried to figure out what…
I’m not sure if you know this about your friendly neighborhood jman, but I’m a lifelong Superman fan. Yea. That’s right. I’m not afraid to admit it, either! I’m talking…
This is The Fanboy Factor. This week we talk to Terry Moore. Creator of Strangers In Paradise, Echo, And Raising Rachel. . Discuss how some of our most popular and…
Need your weekly dosage of nerd? Then look no further than the “Nerd Management” podcast! Join hosts Alec Ward and Warner Swopes every week to delve into the sarlac pits…
Four Color Comments: How To Survive New York Comic Con
With New York Comic Con coming up this week, as a public service, we at the Fanboy Factor would like to offer some generic survival tips to help you out…