A supercharged Supergirl is struggling to hold everything together and it’s just made worse with the appearance of Indigo!

Unfortunately for Supergirl Indigo is just the start of her problems. Empress has put together a team to destroy Supergirl because she has seen the future and wants a weird kind of pre-revenge for what Supergirl takes from her later. She is set on finishing Supergirl and the people’s trust in her is first to go after Empress releases a video clip and uses Cat Grants news app to distribute it to everyone and the public can’t turn quick enough.

Supergirl knows she is a danger while she is supercharged and removes herself into Dr Veritas’s hands to try and cure her. While Supergirl is subjected to tests and invasive laser surgery she still has help on her side, Lar on, her mum and dad and even Cat Grant are fighting for her even though Cat is a little reluctant. Dr Veritas can’t exactly cure Kara she can stop her exploding which is good enough to go after and confront Empress but it doesn’t exactly go to plan and could have serious repercussions for Kara and her future.

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