Comic Review: Hack/Slash vs. Chaos #3 (Dynamite Comics)
Wow what an issue!! Cassie clears house but how much of herself is she giving up to do so?
Wow what an issue!! Cassie clears house but how much of herself is she giving up to do so?
I think this just might be one of my favourite issues so far! And that is saying something
This issue won me over straight off the bat with the iconic doctors mask character design
Cassie and Vlad are back doing what they know best and looking great doing it.
First things first I have just got to say this, Vlad is the man!! You sly dog you!
Cassie Hack doesn’t have bad days, she has horrible hell on earth days!!
Just as Cassie feels like a normal life is in reach slasher life rears its head!
A brilliant issue for Cassie as Vlad has returned to her and she spends a night on the beach!
Cassie Hack has left the slasher world behind her well she would if the undead would leave her alone!